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Paramedic basic2.png Paramedic action.png
Access: Medbay, Morg, Maintenance, Hidroponik Çoğu Departmanın Lobisi, Mineral Deposu
Ekstra Access: Ameliyathane
Zorluk: Kolay
Müfettişler: Chief Medical Officer
Görevler: İstasyonu dolaşıp hasta ara, acil durumlara kulak ver, hastaları ve ölüleri medbaye götür.
Rehberler: İlaç Rehberi, Ameliyat Rehberi, Travmalar, Yaralar, Sağlık
Alıntı: Suit sensörünü açmayanı bulmak için uğraşmayacağım.

Paramedik olarak zamanının çoğunu medbay dışında geçireceğinden medbaye az, istasyona daha çok yetkin var.

Dolu bir Medicalbelt.png Medical Belt, çantanda bir Roller Bed.png tekerlekli yatak ve bir handheld crew monitor ile başlarsın. Bir de PDA'nda yüklenmiş Lifeline adında insanların nerede olduğunu bulmaya yarayan uygulama ile başlarsın.

  • Medbay'den medikalHUD'u ve health analyzer'i alman iyi olacaktır.
  • Handheld crew monitor ile suit sensorlerini açan kişilerin sağlık durumlarını ve konumlarını görebilirsin.
  • Pinpointer ile hastanın hangi yönde olduğunu ve uzaklığını görebilir, oku takip ederek ulaşabilirsin.

Asgari Gereksinimler: Hastaları ve ölüleri bulup Medbay'e götürmek.
Basit Düzey Beceriler:İnsanlara suit sensor açmalarını söyle, ilk yardım yap, cesetlere formaldehyde enjekte edip organ çürümesini önle, kanaması olan kişileri sürükleme.
Gelişmiş Düzey Beceriler:Her türlü hasarı anında iyileştirebilmek, defib kullanabilmek, daha az kullanıp daha çok iyileştirmek.

Roller Bed.png Bar'a acil doktor!

Paramedik olduğunda, işin insanları kurtarmak, medbay'e götürüp tedavi edilmeye bırakmak. İlk yardım yapıp yaraları ve hastalıkları Health analyzer.gif health analyzer yardımıyla öğrenip iyileştirebilirsin.
Çoğu zaman handheld crew monitor'un sana bütün detayları verecektir. En azından insanlar suit sensorlerini açık tuttuğu sürece. Monitör ekranını açıp cebine koy, bu sayede elinde tutmasan bile ekranı hala görebilirsin. Biri yaralandığında pinpointer ile bulup medbaye götür. İşin basit. İnsanları bul ve güvenli bir şekilde medbay'e taşı. Ama bu bile bazı kötü durumlarda zor olabilir, yani hazırlıklı ol.

Medicallocker.png Medikal Eşyalar

Medbaye muhtemelen masadaki MedGlasses.png Medical HUD'lardan almaya gelmişsindir. Bu "kesinlikle animelerden esinlenmemiş" olan gözlükler insanların sağlık barını görebilmenizi sağlar. Sadece kalabalıkta yaralıları bulmanıza değil, sağlık barının yanında renkli yüz ifadelerini gördüğünüzde kişinin hasta olduğunu anlamanızı da sağlar. Not only is this useful for finding critical patients quickly in a crowd, but the red cross next to their healthbar will change to a sickly face if they're infected with a virus, or a purple xenomorph if they're infected with an alien larva. Chemists, Geneticists and many others will sometimes want these, too.

Virolog her şeyi bok ettiğinde biohazard lockerlarından biosuit alabilirsin. Medkit almadan önce CMO'a sormayı unutma, önemli durumlarda gerekli olacaklardır. İzinsiz MODsuit veya medkit alırsan demote edilebilirsin.

Health analyzer adv.gif Advanced Paramedic Work

Giving drunk bar patrons roller bed rides not your style? Want to be a hero? Well, you probably won't, but you certainly can do more.
Never forget that you have Maintenance access for a reason: You are expected to retrieve lost bodies. Engineering blew up again? Get your spacesuit and bring the boys back home so they can fix their own mess. Space man HoP forgot to refill his oxygen tank? Off you go. In some cases, you can even go in your own little lavaland adventure to retrieve a miner's corpse.
With you around, nobody has to stay dead!

Medicalbelt.png The emergency utility belt

Once you get used to standard medical procedures, you can ask the doctors for their starting SMed.png medkit. It and one or two chems in your bag should be more than ideal.
If the doctors are stingy, robotics often has spare medkits and boxes can hold some surgical tools

  • Suture.png Sutures. In all basic medkits and extremely cheap to heal brute damage. Get faster as you get experience.
  • Regenerative mesh.png Regenerative mesh. In all basic medkits and extremely cheap to heal burn damage. Get faster as you get experience.
  • Scalpel.png Basic surgery tools. While you could technically perform surgery, this is a work better left for doctors. Have a set of basic tools (Drapes.pngDrapes, Scalpel.pngScalpel, Hemostat.pngHemostat and Cautery.png) to treat wounds like severe burns.
  • Cleaner.png Hercuri Spray. Cools down temperature and treats burns slowly. Expendable and abundant, but basically freezes the patient. Tell them to get coffee after. Spray away the tide when they fail their hacks and ask for help. Don't spray lizards, as they are cold blooded!
  • Dosya:Bandaid brute.png Chem patches, syringes, gels and sprays. These allow you to heal damage a lot faster, but the ones found in the NanoMed and in medkits are usually limited. Libital, Aiuri and Syriniver are good examples of cheap useful chems, even though they have side effects.
  • MediPen.png Medipens. Exceptional for healing a lot of damage very quick and efficiently, but scarce. Save for emergencies or leave them there. Salicyclic Acid, Oxandrolone and Pentetic Acid can all be found in their specific medkits.

In the end, it should be looking somewhat like this: Dosya:Medibelt action.png

Defib.png Clear!

If a patient has died recently, you may be able to use the defibrillator to revive them on the spot. The defibrillator can be found in Medical Doctor lockers (plus a more portable version in the CMO's locker or medical techfab after some research is done).

To use a normal bulky defibrillator, take off your backpack or satchel, put the defib on your back and click it, get your other hand free and activate the paddles to wield them in both hands, then click on the patient while targeting their chest. If the patient is wearing a thick suit like a space suit or firesuit you need to strip it off as well. STOP DRAGGING the patient, if you are, to prevent yourself from being shocked as well.

In order to successfully resuscitate a patient, several criteria must be met:

1. The patient must not have over 180 brute or burn damage; 179 brute and 179 burn is fine, just not 180 of one type. Reduce their damage below 180, and you can try again.

2. The patient must not be a suicide.

3. The patient must not be catatonic.

4. The patient must be in their body (they will get a message when they begin being defibrillated).

5. The patient must have a functioning heart. Plasmamen do not have hearts, for example. If the heart is decayed, it needs to be [[1]] or

If all these factors are met, then the patient will come back to life! However, this doesn't mean they can just get right back up. Instead, they'll likely still be deep in critical condition, as a successful revival only removes a bit of each damage type. They must quickly receive medical attention if you want to keep them alive. Make sure to use a health analyzer or your PDA to check how they died; if they have harmful chemicals in their body, they most likely still do (chemicals remain in bodies after death, but do not metabolize).

MedGlasses.png Paramedic Equipment

Medbay has quite the collection of tools and chemicals to make your job easier (or harder). Some deserve the mention, others are situational.

Here is a list of stuff that either Paramedics spawn with, or are available in medbay:

  • Compactdefib.png Compact Defibrillator. The only way to defib on the go. Needs research or a lot of begging to the CMO. With some research, MODsuits can come with an internal defib
  • Crew Pinpointers. Starting with the Lifeline app on your tablet, you may also print physical ones using research or purchased from the Nanomed machine.
  • Medical MODsuit. Medbay storage can start with a MODsuit, useful for emergency rescues in low pressure or cold environment.
  • Handheld Crew Monitors. Arguably the most useful item you can hope to have. Using the information from suit sensors, it will give you all you need to know anywhere. Allows you to chill by the bar without much care.
  • Health analyzer.gif Health Analyzers. Allow you to check someone's condition further than the Crew Monitor, showing diseases, traumas and chemicals in their blood (Right click to check chems). An advanced version can be researched and printed at the medical techfab.
  • MedGlasses.png Health Scanners. Immediate visual information for any living mob in your field of view. Not as robust as a proper Health Analyzer, but will help you quickly identify problems on passersby. A night vision upgrade is researchable, and some MODsuits have these built in.
  • Medicalbelt.png Medical Belt. Extremely useful, as it can hold most relevant tools and medicine. Can also hold cigarettes and lighters. The one you spawn with has a Handheld Crew Monitor and some less important medicine that you can right click to check their use.
  • Nitrile gloves.png Nitrile Gloves. Keep your fingerprints to yourself. The Detective will thank you for keeping those on. They also increase the speed you inject people with syringes!
  • Roller Bed.png Roller Beds. Dragging bleeding people will make them bleed even more, as well as making you slower. These are often helpful and sometimes vital. Also fun and collapsible. After they're researched, you can also print bluespace bodybags for easier carrying.

Light Bulb.png Tips

  • The bar has several drinks that help top off damage. Cream for brute, Lime Juice for toxin, Orange Juice for oxygen, Tomato Juice for burn, Blood Mary for blood and more.
  • Raw carrots heal eye damage.
  • Star-Kist is just cola with orange juice. This means that it will metabolize a bit faster and can be used as a poor man's medicine to speed up CPR.
  • Wearing earmuffs will heal ear damage.
  • Wearing a blindfold will heal eye damage.
  • People with MODsuits activated or EVA suits worn cannot be defibbed.
  • If you're not sure if someone's damage is too much, you can PDA them to ask if they need medical assistance.
  • Even as a non-antag, try to carry a box of tools with you to hack when needed and to crowbar open doors. Extra access can also work to this effect.
  • When needed, ask your patients for their epipen. You could also take it while they are down. It's safer to have yours saved for an emergency.
  • Miner's Salve can be made with a twinkie, plasma sheet and iron sheet in a grinder. Make sure to apply it to skin!
  • Don't forget to check the NanoMed for Libital and Aiuri gel. They are very very good. Do note, however, that these are diluted with Granibitaluri and heal better when there is less than 50 physical damage
  • Chemisty is your best friend! Asking for a patch of some powerful healing medicines can mean you barely need to go medbay!

Tips for Traitoring

  • A stethoscope can be used to break into the safe.
  • You can replace the cryoxadone with acid, so instead of healing people cryo will melt them to death.
  • Syringe gun is one of the most lethal weapons on the station. A simple 15 unit lexorin syringe will kill unless the victim receives medical care (or immediately injects themselves with their Epinephrine). Anyone with a thick suit will block syringes though.
  • Carry a body in your roller bed and you won't get questioned too often. Use maintenance for safety.

Doubleagent.gif Don't worry, I'll take you to a better place

You happen to be a traitor? Excellent! You have enough access to dispose of bodies, and maintenance access to boot! Not to mention that you don't look out of place in any department and people won't find anything strange about you wandering the halls with a corpse.
You can do almost anything a doctor could: cryo sabotage, morgue shenanigans, overdoses, etc. But you have the access and freedom to do a lot more as well, like poisoning someone, taking them to the safety of maintenance to finish the job, then you could either drop them off at the morgue or behead them and throw it into space.