Bitrunner: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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("{{JobPageHeader |headerbgcolor = #cc9966 |headerfontcolor = black |stafftype = SUPPLY |imagebgcolor = #eeeeff |img_generic = Generic bitrunner.png |img = |jobtitle = Bitrunner |access = Cargo Bay, Cargo Office, Bitrunning Den, Maintenance, Mineral Storage, mining mech access |additional = Mining Station, Mining Office |difficulty = Medium |superior = Quartermaster |duties = Link into the netverse to solve puzzles or fight virtual..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Değişiklik özeti yok
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 6 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
1. satır: 1. satır:
|headerbgcolor = #cc9966
|headerbgcolor = #cc9966
|headerfontcolor = black
|headerfontcolor = black
9. satır: 9. satır:
|access = [[Cargo Bay]], [[Cargo Office]], [[Bitrunning Den]], [[Maintenance]], Mineral Storage, mining mech access
|access = [[Cargo Bay]], [[Cargo Office]], [[Bitrunning Den]], [[Maintenance]], Mineral Storage, mining mech access
|additional = [[Mining Station]], Mining Office
|additional = [[Mining Station]], Mining Office
|difficulty = Medium
|difficulty = Orta
|superior = [[Quartermaster]]
|superior = [[Quartermaster]]
|duties = Link into the netverse to solve puzzles or fight virtual battles. Deliver loot and tech to the station.
|duties = Netverse'e bağlan ve o kutuyu almak için ne yapman gerekiyorsa yap. Teknolojileri ve ganimetleri kargoya getir.
|guides = This is the guide
|guides = Rehber bu gerizekalı
|quote ="Cyberchase we're movin'!"  
|quote ="Be-be-y-yin Hasss!-sarı-ı.!!'"  

A job that focuses on short, semi-offstation combat and puzzle solving to generate materials for the station. It emphasizes team play and can get considerably difficult depending on the domain chosen.
Bu iş mesainizin büyük çoğunluğunu yapay alemlerde düştüğünüz haritaları araştırıp kutu aramaktır.

'''Bare minimum requirements:''' Load up domains in the server, drag yourself into a netpod, read the domain info, complete the task. When finished, exit via alert or hololadder, shut the domain down, and deliver the cache to cargo.
'''Minimum Gereksinimler :''' Araziyi quantum consoledan indir, kendini bir poda sürükle, harita hakkında verilen bilgileri oku, görevi tamamla. İşin bittiği zaman, yukarda çıkan bildirimle veya hololadder ile serverdan çık, haritayı kapat, ve sanal alemden getirdiğin kutuyu kargoya getir.
==Your workplace==
==Çalışma Alanın==
The [[Bitrunning Den]] is the home of all bitrunning equipment. Sweaty, dimly lit, and poorly decorated; you'll find an assortment of machines to link yourself to a virtual domain here. Bitrunning uses the following equipment:
[[Bitrunning Den]] bütün bitrunning eşyalarının olduğu yer ve bitrunnerların evi. Terli, bok gibi ışıklandırılmış, ve dekorsuzdur; burada kullanabileceğin çeşitli malzemeler ve kendini bağlayabileceğin çeşitli makineler bulacaksın. Bitrunning aşağıdaki yazılan dört makineye ihtiyaç duyar:
#Quantum servers
#Quantum servers
#Quantum console
#Quantum console
26. satır: 26. satır:
==Quantum Server==
==Quantum Server==
The driving force behind bitrunning is called a "quantum server", a hunk of metal crudely wired together inside the den. The quantum server loads domains in one at a time and must cool down between operation. These virtual domains generally tend to focus puzzle solving or combat elements where you find and deliver a sealed crate back to the safehouse where you loaded in. It is then materialized in its processed form on the station for redemption.
Bittrunning yapmanızı sağlayan "quantum server", koca bir demir ve kablo yığınından bir araya getirilmiş bir makinadır. Quantum serverları araziyi tek tek yükler ve rped ile daha iyi parçalar takıldığında daha zaman aşımı azalır. Bu arazilerin içerisinde belirli bulmacalar ve aksiyon gerektiren yerleri aşıp mühürlü kutuyu geri güvenli bölgeye getirip burdan istasyona yollamalısınız. Bundan sonra istasyona dönüp burdan ganimetleri siloda işle.

Upgrading the server can be beneficial, for instance:
Serverları upgradelemek makinaların işleyişini geliştirir, örneğin:
#Capacitors: Reduce the amount of cooldown time required
#Capacitors: Zaman aşımının süresini azaltır.
#Scanners: Detect more information in the domain selection screen
#Scanners: Arazi hakkında daha fazla bilgi almanı sağlar.
#Servos: Reduce the injury taken from severing connections.
#Servos: Bağlantınız koptuktan sonraki hasarları azaltır.
Virtual domains loaded in can be incredibly realistic - you are using your mind to pilot another person, after all. The damage you incur inside a virtual domain is often reflected back to your physical body. There are some forms of damage which do not directly translate, like toxin and suffocation. Netpods can attempt to sluggishly heal damage, but should you incur it too quickly to heal or if you die outright, you will be ejected from the netpod.
Yüklediğin sanal alemler epey gerçekçi gibi duruyor - Nihayetinde, beyninle başka bir insanı kontrol ediyorsun. Bu yüzdendir sanal alemlerde aldığın hasarlar gerçekte sana bazı izler bırakabilir. Fakat bazı hasarlar bağlantı kesildikten sonra kalmayabilir, toxin ve boğulma gibi. Netpodları beceriksizce seni iyileştirmeye çalışır, fakat çok daha fazla hasar alırsanız, netpod sizi dışarı atıcaktır.
==Quantum Consoles==
==Quantum Consolları ==
[[File:258600857-3a45feaf-8c80-46b2-81c9-355932d1b014.png|thumb|A quantum console UI.]]The quantum console interfaces with server operations. Due to poor craftsmanship, it must be placed adjacent to a server in order to function. In the quantum console UI, you can see four key elements:
[[File:258600857-3a45feaf-8c80-46b2-81c9-355932d1b014.png|thumb|A quantum console UI.]]Quantum Konsollaru'nun arayüzleri server işlemlerine bağlıdır. Kötü tasarımı yüzünden, çalışması için sunucunun kenarına yerleştirilmelidir. Quantum console arayüzünde, dört önemli element görebilirsiniz:
#The number of points in the top right, these are rewarded on domain completion. Domain rewards dictate the amount of materials awarded, NP awarded to your account, and the raw points are used to purchase new domains. You do not get points for stopping a domain before the cache is retrieved. You are never locked out of loading in new domains, as there are free and entry level ones to choose from. Choosing a random domain grants extra reward points, but is not available for entry level domains.
#Sağ üstte görülen puanlar, arazi tamamlandığında artar. Arazi ödülleri verilen materyallerin miktarını belirler, hesabınıza NP verilir ve bu puanlar yeni arazi açmanız için kullanılır. Önbellek gelmeden bu puanları alamazsınız. Ücretsiz seçim yapabileceğiniz araziler olduğu sürece diğer arazilere bunları tamamladıktan sonra ulaşabilirsiniz. Rastgele bir arazi seçmek daha fazla puan versede başlangıç seviyesinde ulaşılamaz.
#The domain list. This iterates over every available domain, but without proper components, you will be limited to seeing simpler domain info while the rest are obscured. Expanding domain info can give you an overview of the task and the rewards it may present.
#Arazi listesi. Her yeni araziye girdiğinizde bu liste yenilenir, ama eğer quantum serverı yeterince geliştirilmemişse, başlangıç seviyesinde araziler dışındaki diğer arazilerin adlarıyla birlikte arazi bilgisi belirsiz olucaktır. Quantum serverlarını geliştirdiğinizde arazi bilgisi gelişicek ve arazi hakkında daha çok bilgi edineceksiniz .
#Connection info. This section highlights the number of connections remaining (the radio towers), then the avatars connected. While not always accurate or up to date, it can give you a quick glance at the well-being of the hosted avatars within the domain, as well as a breakdown of the damage they may have received.
#Bağlantı bilgisi. This section highlights the number of connections remaining (Radyo Kuleleri), then the avatars connected. While not always accurate or up to date, it can give you a quick glance at the well-being of the hosted avatars within the domain, as well as a breakdown of the damage they may have received.
#The currently loaded domain. This is available if the domain selected is within scanner potential, otherwise is redacted. You can also halt the current domain here. If there are currently connected avatars, the system will attempt to alert them before their connection is severed.
#The currently loaded domain. This is available if the domain selected is within scanner potential, otherwise is redacted. You can also halt the current domain here. If there are currently connected avatars, the system will attempt to alert them before their connection is severed.
48. satır: 48. satır:
This machine handles spawning the cache from the virtual domain. Be advised that materials inside the encrypted cache are not actually transferred, as the cache is merely a symbolic representation. You will not be able to transport items or people in the encrypted cache itself.
This machine handles spawning the cache from the virtual domain. Be advised that materials inside the encrypted cache are not actually transferred, as the cache is merely a symbolic representation. You will not be able to transport items or people in the encrypted cache itself.
==Virtual Domains==
==Sanal Araziler==
Virtual domains are the maps loaded in via console. They are intended to be short missions where you complete puzzles or battles in order to retrieve the cache. Each virtual domain loads in a safehouse, which serves as a gear room for the map ahead. Here, you can find marked tiles to extract the encrypted cache, hololadders to represent methods to disconnect, and sometimes gear if needed for the mission. The cache itself manifests as a secured crate, and using the domain info ability will help you retrieve it. Once found, drag the cache back to the circuit tiles in the safehouse. These are sometimes in different locations, but should be similar in appearance. You can confirm it is an extraction tile by examination.
Virtual domains are the maps loaded in via console. They are intended to be short missions where you complete puzzles or battles in order to retrieve the cache. Each virtual domain loads in a safehouse, which serves as a gear room for the map ahead. Here, you can find marked tiles to extract the encrypted cache, hololadders to represent methods to disconnect, and sometimes gear if needed for the mission. The cache itself manifests as a secured crate, and using the domain info ability will help you retrieve it. Once found, drag the cache back to the circuit tiles in the safehouse. These are sometimes in different locations, but should be similar in appearance. You can confirm it is an extraction tile by examination.

60. satır: 60. satır:
*You do not always need to reach the hololadder to disconnect. Completing a domain offers an alert which can be clicked to disconnect immediately. There are also other unsafe methods. Termination of your avatar will return you to your host body.
*You do not always need to reach the hololadder to disconnect. Completing a domain offers an alert which can be clicked to disconnect immediately. There are also other unsafe methods. Termination of your avatar will return you to your host body.
The layouts for [[Bitrunner domains|virtual domains]] can be found at the provided link.
The layouts for [[Bitrunner domains|virtual domains]] can be found at the provided link.
==Space Police==
==Uzay Polisi==
Certain domains, when loaded and entered, send an alert to ghosts asking for volunteers to be temporary antagonists. The exact name varies depending on the domain, but will involve the player taking over a pre-existing enemy. Space Police have one goal - Kill those gamers!
Certain domains, when loaded and entered, send an alert to ghosts asking for volunteers to be temporary antagonists. The exact name varies depending on the domain, but will involve the player taking over a pre-existing enemy. Space Police have one goal - Kill those gamers!
==Vendor Rewards==
==Otomat Eşyaları==
While bitrunning, you accrue rewards in the form of NexaPoints('''TM''') for the NexaCache vendor. The vendor works very similarly to mining vendors: Placing an order can either put it in the cargo shuttle orders, or deliver it immediately via an express pod. The vendor rewards range from cosmetic, to helpful, to abilities.
While bitrunning, you accrue rewards in the form of NexaPoints('''TM''') for the NexaCache vendor. The vendor works very similarly to mining vendors: Placing an order can either put it in the cargo shuttle orders, or deliver it immediately via an express pod. The vendor rewards range from cosmetic, to helpful, to abilities.
*Cosmetic items: Don the cringiest gear in the galaxy. Become the One. Stocked with items like borritos and space cola, you can use this category to achieve negative style points.
*Cosmetic items: Don the cringiest gear in the galaxy. Become the One. Stocked with items like borritos and space cola, you can use this category to achieve negative style points.
*Helpful tech: Buying items in this category grant technology designs which can be redeemed at the station's benefit - BEPIS tech. Long forgotten and barely used, it's found a home here for the benevolent Bitrunner.
*Helpful tech: Buying items in this category grant technology designs which can be redeemed at the station's benefit - BEPIS tech. Long forgotten and barely used, it's found a home here for the benevolent Bitrunner.
*Bitrunning Tech: The last category constitutes the selfish path of bitrunning - Buffing one's own Bitrunning capability. You will find disks that grant items or abilities here. To use them, order them, activate them in hand to make a selection, then carry it on your person (ie: in your bag or pockets) when entering a virtual domain. Some of these disks can grant incredible power.
*Bitrunning Tech: The last category constitutes the selfish path of bitrunning - Buffing one's own Bitrunning capability. You will find disks that grant items or abilities here. To use them, order them, activate them in hand to make a selection, then carry it on your person (ie: in your bag or pockets) when entering a virtual domain. Some of these disks can grant incredible power.
==Bitrunning Tech==
==Bitrunning Teknolojisi==
Bitrunning tech disks can be purchased from the NexaCache vendor for NexaPoints('''TM'''), and give your bitrunning avatar additional items or abilities when entering a domain. Disks have multiple options for the item or ability received, which is selected by using the disk in-hand prior to entering a domain - This is a one-time choice, so be sure you want that pizza box! Disks are split into two types:
Bitrunning tech disks can be purchased from the NexaCache vendor for NexaPoints('''TM'''), and give your bitrunning avatar additional items or abilities when entering a domain. Disks have multiple options for the item or ability received, which is selected by using the disk in-hand prior to entering a domain - This is a one-time choice, so be sure you want that pizza box! Disks are split into two types:
#Gear disks. These give a weapon or utility item. Items tend to be situational, with some being functionally useless and others trivializing specific domains.
#Gear disks. These give a weapon or utility item. Items tend to be situational, with some being functionally useless and others trivializing specific domains.
77. satır: 77. satır:
!Cost (NexaPoints('''TM'''))
|Bitrunning Gear: Basic
|Bitrunning Eşyası: Basic
|Medbeam Gun, Infinite Pizza Box, Single brick of C4
|Medbeam Gun, Infinite Pizza Box, Single brick of C4
89. satır: 90. satır:
Don't get smart ideas with the C4 - Almost all walls in a domain are either indestructible, or only lead to more walls.
Don't get smart ideas with the C4 - Almost all walls in a domain are either indestructible, or only lead to more walls.
|Bitrunning Gear: Complex
|Bitrunning Gear: Komplex
|Chainsaw, Automatic Pistol, Hardlight Sword
|Chainsaw (Elektrikli Testere), Automatic Pistol, Hardlight Sword
|The hardlight sword has the same high base damage as the Space Ninja's katana, but with no chance to block.
|The hardlight sword has the same high base damage as the Space Ninja's katana, but with no chance to block.
102. satır: 103. satır:
The Stinger is the sword from the 'Bees' Syndie-Kit Special bundle. It attacks faster than a normal sword and has low damage, but injects bee venom with each hit.
The Stinger is the sword from the 'Bees' Syndie-Kit Special bundle. It attacks faster than a normal sword and has low damage, but injects bee venom with each hit.
|Bitrunning Program: Basic
|Bitrunning Progamı: Basic
|Conjure Cheese, Basic Heal
|Conjure Cheese, Basic Heal
108. satır: 109. satır:
Conjure Cheese is also an OK, if slow, source of healing from eating. You're better off not, though.
Conjure Cheese is also an OK, if slow, source of healing from eating. You're better off not, though.
|Bitrunning Program: Complex
|Bitrunning Programı: Complex
|Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Forcewall
|Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Forcewall
114. satır: 115. satır:
Forcewall is good for breaking chases if you need to heal - NPC enemies can and will stop chasing you if you break line of sight long enough.
Forcewall is good for breaking chases if you need to heal - NPC enemies can and will stop chasing you if you break line of sight long enough.
|Bitrunning Program: Elite
|Bitrunning Programı: Elite
|Shapeshift: Dragon, Shapeshift: Polar Bear
|Shapeshift: Dragon, Shapeshift: Polar Bear
|Both are largely only good for fighting Space Police - NPCs will always land their melee hits on you when in range, so tanking isn't a great plan, and both forms are slow.
|Both are largely only good for fighting Space Police - NPCs will always land their melee hits on you when in range, so tanking isn't a great plan, and both forms are slow.
==Bazı İpuçları==
*Upgrading the server can greatly increase efficiency and quality of life. You will be granted higher rewards, take less damage if you die, and the server will cool down faster.
*Upgrading the server can greatly increase efficiency and quality of life. You will be granted higher rewards, take less damage if you die, and the server will cool down faster.
*Upgrading other machines (currently) has no effect.
*Upgrading other machines (currently) has no effect.

15.55, 1 Ağustos 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

Generic bitrunner.png
Access: Cargo Bay, Cargo Office, Bitrunning Den, Maintenance, Mineral Storage, mining mech access
Ekstra Access: Mining Station, Mining Office
Zorluk: Orta
Müfettişler: Quartermaster
Görevler: Netverse'e bağlan ve o kutuyu almak için ne yapman gerekiyorsa yap. Teknolojileri ve ganimetleri kargoya getir.
Rehberler: Rehber bu gerizekalı
Alıntı: "Be-be-y-yin Hasss!-sarı-ı.!!'"

Bu iş mesainizin büyük çoğunluğunu yapay alemlerde düştüğünüz haritaları araştırıp kutu aramaktır.

Minimum Gereksinimler : Araziyi quantum consoledan indir, kendini bir poda sürükle, harita hakkında verilen bilgileri oku, görevi tamamla. İşin bittiği zaman, yukarda çıkan bildirimle veya hololadder ile serverdan çık, haritayı kapat, ve sanal alemden getirdiğin kutuyu kargoya getir.

Çalışma Alanın

Bitrunning Den bütün bitrunning eşyalarının olduğu yer ve bitrunnerların evi. Terli, bok gibi ışıklandırılmış, ve dekorsuzdur; burada kullanabileceğin çeşitli malzemeler ve kendini bağlayabileceğin çeşitli makineler bulacaksın. Bitrunning aşağıdaki yazılan dört makineye ihtiyaç duyar:

  1. Quantum servers
  2. Quantum console
  3. Netpods
  4. Byteforge

Quantum Server

Bittrunning yapmanızı sağlayan "quantum server", koca bir demir ve kablo yığınından bir araya getirilmiş bir makinadır. Quantum serverları araziyi tek tek yükler ve rped ile daha iyi parçalar takıldığında daha zaman aşımı azalır. Bu arazilerin içerisinde belirli bulmacalar ve aksiyon gerektiren yerleri aşıp mühürlü kutuyu geri güvenli bölgeye getirip burdan istasyona yollamalısınız. Bundan sonra istasyona dönüp burdan ganimetleri siloda işle.

Serverları upgradelemek makinaların işleyişini geliştirir, örneğin:

  1. Capacitors: Zaman aşımının süresini azaltır.
  2. Scanners: Arazi hakkında daha fazla bilgi almanı sağlar.
  3. Servos: Bağlantınız koptuktan sonraki hasarları azaltır.

Yüklediğin sanal alemler epey gerçekçi gibi duruyor - Nihayetinde, beyninle başka bir insanı kontrol ediyorsun. Bu yüzdendir sanal alemlerde aldığın hasarlar gerçekte sana bazı izler bırakabilir. Fakat bazı hasarlar bağlantı kesildikten sonra kalmayabilir, toxin ve boğulma gibi. Netpodları beceriksizce seni iyileştirmeye çalışır, fakat çok daha fazla hasar alırsanız, netpod sizi dışarı atıcaktır.

Quantum Consolları

Quantum Konsollaru'nun arayüzleri server işlemlerine bağlıdır. Kötü tasarımı yüzünden, çalışması için sunucunun kenarına yerleştirilmelidir. Quantum console arayüzünde, dört önemli element görebilirsiniz:

  1. Sağ üstte görülen puanlar, arazi tamamlandığında artar. Arazi ödülleri verilen materyallerin miktarını belirler, hesabınıza NP verilir ve bu puanlar yeni arazi açmanız için kullanılır. Önbellek gelmeden bu puanları alamazsınız. Ücretsiz seçim yapabileceğiniz araziler olduğu sürece diğer arazilere bunları tamamladıktan sonra ulaşabilirsiniz. Rastgele bir arazi seçmek daha fazla puan versede başlangıç seviyesinde ulaşılamaz.
  2. Arazi listesi. Her yeni araziye girdiğinizde bu liste yenilenir, ama eğer quantum serverı yeterince geliştirilmemişse, başlangıç seviyesinde araziler dışındaki diğer arazilerin adlarıyla birlikte arazi bilgisi belirsiz olucaktır. Quantum serverlarını geliştirdiğinizde arazi bilgisi gelişicek ve arazi hakkında daha çok bilgi edineceksiniz .
  3. Bağlantı bilgisi. This section highlights the number of connections remaining (Radyo Kuleleri), then the avatars connected. While not always accurate or up to date, it can give you a quick glance at the well-being of the hosted avatars within the domain, as well as a breakdown of the damage they may have received.
  4. The currently loaded domain. This is available if the domain selected is within scanner potential, otherwise is redacted. You can also halt the current domain here. If there are currently connected avatars, the system will attempt to alert them before their connection is severed.


The devices which each bitrunner uses to connect into the virtual domain. Netpods are clunky, coffin-like contraptions which you must link into then submerge your body so that you don't overheat. To access one, drag your character into the unit while a domain is loaded. Some features of netpods:

  1. Simple security: Not impervious, but resistant to damage and external environmental threats. If the pod takes considerable damage or is being pried open by crowbar, the occupant is alerted to the event and is given a brief moment to respond.
  2. Rudimentary healing: Netpods slowly heal damage over time. This is done to prevent avatars from dying from mysterious causes while inside the domain. However, it is not equipped for full cycle healing, and will eject its occupant once it runs out of power.
  3. Disconnection & Severance: Using a netpod generates an object representative of the method to disconnect to your physical body. The hololadder it creates upon entry can be walked over or clicked to return. You are also offered the chance to disconnect safely when the cache is recovered. Should you, the server, or the netpod you're using sustain critical damage or lose power, you will be ejected unsafely from the machine, which can cause brain damage.
  4. Job selection. Right-clicking a pod allows you to set the Job of the avatar for that pod, while inside a domain. Different jobs have different starting gear - Bitrun as a clown for extra style points ridicule from your peers. Do note that some domains force your avatar's job to a specific choice.


This machine handles spawning the cache from the virtual domain. Be advised that materials inside the encrypted cache are not actually transferred, as the cache is merely a symbolic representation. You will not be able to transport items or people in the encrypted cache itself.

Sanal Araziler

Virtual domains are the maps loaded in via console. They are intended to be short missions where you complete puzzles or battles in order to retrieve the cache. Each virtual domain loads in a safehouse, which serves as a gear room for the map ahead. Here, you can find marked tiles to extract the encrypted cache, hololadders to represent methods to disconnect, and sometimes gear if needed for the mission. The cache itself manifests as a secured crate, and using the domain info ability will help you retrieve it. Once found, drag the cache back to the circuit tiles in the safehouse. These are sometimes in different locations, but should be similar in appearance. You can confirm it is an extraction tile by examination.

Things to note while in domain:

  • Avatar damage can be reflected onto the host's body. Healing is not. The host body slowly heals while inside a netpod, but if you sustain damage too quickly, or take damage which knocks you unconscious, you will be disconnected.
  • Being forcibly disconnected from your domain, either by dying, having your pod destroyed or pried open, or having the server lose power, will cause you to take brain damage. Try to keep some Mannitol and Neurine on-hand, especially when going into more dangerous domains.
  • Not all forms of damage are reflected onto the host's body.
  • You may only generate a small number of avatars. This is dependent on the safehouse / domain chosen - The only limit to this is the number of hololadder landmarks spawned in the safehouse.
  • You are rewarded for speed, difficulty, and handling threats.
  • Threats can be benign or malignant. Ghosts are very capable of spawning in and thwarting your efforts. They can also appear and be helpful. There is no restriction on their behavior in the virtual domain - All Bitrunners are valid inside domains..
  • You do not always need to reach the hololadder to disconnect. Completing a domain offers an alert which can be clicked to disconnect immediately. There are also other unsafe methods. Termination of your avatar will return you to your host body.

The layouts for virtual domains can be found at the provided link.

Uzay Polisi

Certain domains, when loaded and entered, send an alert to ghosts asking for volunteers to be temporary antagonists. The exact name varies depending on the domain, but will involve the player taking over a pre-existing enemy. Space Police have one goal - Kill those gamers!

Otomat Eşyaları

While bitrunning, you accrue rewards in the form of NexaPoints(TM) for the NexaCache vendor. The vendor works very similarly to mining vendors: Placing an order can either put it in the cargo shuttle orders, or deliver it immediately via an express pod. The vendor rewards range from cosmetic, to helpful, to abilities.

  • Cosmetic items: Don the cringiest gear in the galaxy. Become the One. Stocked with items like borritos and space cola, you can use this category to achieve negative style points.
  • Helpful tech: Buying items in this category grant technology designs which can be redeemed at the station's benefit - BEPIS tech. Long forgotten and barely used, it's found a home here for the benevolent Bitrunner.
  • Bitrunning Tech: The last category constitutes the selfish path of bitrunning - Buffing one's own Bitrunning capability. You will find disks that grant items or abilities here. To use them, order them, activate them in hand to make a selection, then carry it on your person (ie: in your bag or pockets) when entering a virtual domain. Some of these disks can grant incredible power.

Bitrunning Teknolojisi

Bitrunning tech disks can be purchased from the NexaCache vendor for NexaPoints(TM), and give your bitrunning avatar additional items or abilities when entering a domain. Disks have multiple options for the item or ability received, which is selected by using the disk in-hand prior to entering a domain - This is a one-time choice, so be sure you want that pizza box! Disks are split into two types:

  1. Gear disks. These give a weapon or utility item. Items tend to be situational, with some being functionally useless and others trivializing specific domains.
  2. Program Disks. These give you magic powers, accessible through action buttons. Abilities tend to be generally useful in all domains, at the cost of having short cooldowns on use.

Each category is split into three tiers, with higher tiers giving theoretically stronger items and having higher NexaPoint(TM) costs. Disks can either be delivered through the cargo shuttle, or pod-dropped immediately for an additional cost.

Multiple disks can be brought into a domain - All disks in your backpack are loaded when you enter. Items spawn in your hands, or at your feet if you run out of hands. Importantly, multiple copies of the same disk and choice can be brought in - Equipment disks will bring extra copies of the equipment, while powers will give you an extra use of the power on a separate cooldown for each copy of the disk.

Disk Fiyat


İçeriği Notlar
Bitrunning Eşyası: Basic 650 Medbeam Gun, Infinite Pizza Box, Single brick of C4 Medbeam gun is good for domains with large amounts of weaker enemies, as it lets you avoid the war of attrition that having limited medical supplies would cause.

Infinite Pizza Box is surprisingly viable - The healing from eating is slow, but it's a source of healing you don't need outside help to apply.

Don't get smart ideas with the C4 - Almost all walls in a domain are either indestructible, or only lead to more walls.

Bitrunning Gear: Komplex 974 Chainsaw (Elektrikli Testere), Automatic Pistol, Hardlight Sword The hardlight sword has the same high base damage as the Space Ninja's katana, but with no chance to block.
Bitrunning Gear: Elite 1625 Tesla Cannon, Double-bladed E-Sword, The Stinger Tesla Cannon is largely a meme, with a high magazine but little-to-no damage.

D-sword makes any fight with enemies that use lasers free, as it always reflects.

The Stinger is the sword from the 'Bees' Syndie-Kit Special bundle. It attacks faster than a normal sword and has low damage, but injects bee venom with each hit.

Bitrunning Progamı: Basic 650 Conjure Cheese, Basic Heal As above, Basic Heal is good for domains with large amounts of weaker enemies.

Conjure Cheese is also an OK, if slow, source of healing from eating. You're better off not, though.

Bitrunning Programı: Complex 1170 Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Forcewall Fireball is, par-none, the best ability to get if you're worried about Space Police. On top of the damage, it knocks down and flashes anyone hit.

Forcewall is good for breaking chases if you need to heal - NPC enemies can and will stop chasing you if you break line of sight long enough.

Bitrunning Programı: Elite 2080 Shapeshift: Dragon, Shapeshift: Polar Bear Both are largely only good for fighting Space Police - NPCs will always land their melee hits on you when in range, so tanking isn't a great plan, and both forms are slow.

Bazı İpuçları

  • Upgrading the server can greatly increase efficiency and quality of life. You will be granted higher rewards, take less damage if you die, and the server will cool down faster.
  • Upgrading other machines (currently) has no effect.
  • Lost? Domains offer information as an ability upon entering a domain. Sometimes cryptic, but the clues to puzzles are often in the first paragraph of the domain information itself.
  • Playing with more players increases server rewards. Team up!
  • If you die or otherwise have your connection severed, wait inside the netpod until it ejects you itself. It will heal all damage except organ damage.
  • If you're stuck inside of a domain, even as a shadow of your former self (say, a gondola), you're always capable of leaving the simulation... Unsafely. Death by any means is effective.
  • Domains are hostile. Do not trust mobs, dead or alive, to not become sentient.
  • If you have more Bitrunners than there are pods available (From an overenthusiastic HoP or, worse, a job overflow), build a surgery table and grab some tools to stash in the Bitrunning den. Whichever gamer is not currently in the simulation can play doctor on the brain damage received while running, as well as heal anyone who leaves their pod early. Remember to share your video games important job equipment with your little brother extra coworkers!
  • If you don't have any extra Bitrunners, you can also ask chemistry for Mannitol to repair brain damage.
  • Don't be afraid to ditch your starting gear - Not every item from Gear Disks will be useful in every domain. Every mission is theoretically completable with only the gear provided inside the mission.
