Guide to medicine: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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1. satır: 1. satır:
|name=Chief Medical Officer Kingston
|text=Doctor! I need you to tear out that man's appendix, throw that clown out of medical, and stitch up that curator's face!

Medikal tedavi ciddi bir iştir. Birisinin tedavisini yarıda bırakmak o kişiyi öldürebilir ya da daha kötü yapabilir. Birilerini iyileştirmeden önce ne yaptığını iyice bilmelisin.
Eğer birilerini iyileştireceksen hangi aletlere ihtiyacın olduğunu bilmelisin. Yaraları nasıl belirlerim, hangi makine ve tesisleri kullanmalıyım ve insanların tedavi sırasında ölmelerini nasıl engelleyebilirim gibi sorular vardır aklında.
==Teşhis Koyma==
Her şeyden önce Medikal Depodan bir [[File:MedGlasses.png]] [[Clothing_and_Accessories#Health_Scanner_HUD|Health Scanner HUD]] kap ve giy. Bu gözlük sana canlıların sağlık barını gösterecektir. Böylelikle ilk kimi tedavi etmelisin buna kolayca karar verebilirsin. Teşhis koyma, tedavi etmenin ilk ve en önemli adımıdır. Aşağıda, bir kişide olabilecek yaralanma türlerini teşhis etmenin yolları yazmaktadır.
===Hasar Çeşitleri===
*Basitçe 4 hasar tipi vardır: '''Suffocation''', '''brute''', '''burn''', ve '''toxin.''' Bu hasar tiplerinin kendilerine özel medkitleri bulunmaktadır. Bu medkitleri kullanarak ameliyat gerektirmeden bu hasarları tedavi edebilirsin. Klasik beyaz medkitin içerisinde '''brute''', '''burn''' ve '''bleeding''' tedavileri için gerekli eşyalar bulunmaktadır
*Diğerlerine nazaran daha nadir gözüken hasar türleri de vardır: '''cellular''', '''organ damage/brain damage''', '''wounds''' ve '''bleeding.'''
*Hastanızın olabildiğince iyileşmesini istiyorsunuzdur değil mi? Farklı hasar türleri için farklı şekilde tedavi etmeniz gerekmekte (Tabii hepsini aynı anda iyileştirecek bir ilaca sahip değilseniz)
*Bu hasar tipleri toplanarak genel sağlık durumunuz (%100 ila -%100) arasından belirlenir. Beyin hasarı hariç. Eğer hastanızda hiç hasar yoksa, hastanız '''Tamamen sağlıklı (100%)''' durumdadır.
*Eğer hastanız 100 hasarın üzerinde hasar alırsa (ruh sağlığınıza göre değişir), hastanız '''Kritik duruma (0%)''' düşer. Kritik durumdaki hastanız yere düşer sürünür haldedir ve nefes nefesedir. Bu durumdaki hasta bazen nefes alamaz ve suffocation damage alır. Ta ki '''ölene (-100%)''' kadar. Bu da hastayı öldürür.
*Kanama biraz farklı çalışır. [[#Bleeding|Aşağıya]] veya [[Guide_to_Wounds#Slash_Wounds|guide to wounds]] a basarak daha detaylı bilgi edinebilirsin.
*Bu hasar tiplerini hastanız üzerinde [[Medical_items#Health_Analyzer|Health Analyzer]] kullanarak öğrenebilirsin. Aynı zamanda hastayı (hastaya shift-click) '''inceleyebilirsin'''. Ama bu inceleme sadece basit bilgiler edinmeni sağlar.
*Elinde bu imkanlar yoksa hastanın çevresini '''gözleyerek''' ne problemi olduğuyla ilgili çıkarım yapabilirsin:
:*Eğer hastayı bulduğunuz yerin yakınında '''kusmuk''' görürseniz. muhtemelen hastanızda [[Guide_to_medicine#Toxins|toxin damage]] vardır. 
:*Eğer hastayı bulduğunuz yerin yakınında veya üstünde çok miktarda kan varsa hastanızda '''çok miktarda fiziksel hasar ('''[[Guide_to_medicine#Brute_Damage|brute damage]]''')''' vardır.
:*Eğer hastanın üstünde siyah yaralar varsa ve etrafında kan yoksa, hastanızın '''çok miktarda yanığa ('''[[Guide_to_medicine#Burns|severely burned]]''')''' vardır.
:*Eğer hastanız boğuluyorsa (gasping), hastanızda çok miktarda [[Guide_to_medicine#Suffocation|suffocation damage]] vardır.
:*If the patient keeps fainting, trails drips of blood as they walk or is unresponsive to other forms of "healing" they may be [[Guide_to_medicine#Bleeding|bleeding]] or be suffering from blood-loss
:* If the patient reports other symptoms such as headaches, coughing or vomiting blood, they most likely have a [[Infections|virus]].
===Your first patient ===
Your patient can arrive in two ways:
'''1. The patient walks in and needs treatment.'''
:''"PLS DOC HLEP!!"'' You can see the patient's overall health status with your Health Scanner HUD with just a glance. However, this will only tell you how serious the situation is and how quickly you need to act.
:How to act:
:*Use your PDA or a [[Medical_items#Health_Analyzer|Health Analyzer]] on the patient to identify the damage type.
:*Proceed with the necessary [[#Treatment|treatment found in the next chapter]].
'''2. The patient is dragged into Medbay and is in critical condition.'''
:The patient is unresponsive to the environment, on the floor, and gasping for air.
:How to act:
:*The first thing you should do is administer [[Guide_to_chemistry#Epinephrine|Epinephrine]]. [[Guide_to_chemistry#Epinephrine|Epinephrine]] stops the general decline of the critical patient's health and helps treat damage if the patient is in crit.  Don't give them 30 or more units of it, as that will cause toxin damage.
:*If the patient is bleeding, apply a suture [[File:Suture.png]] and gauze [[File:Gauze.png]] to the bleeding bodypart. Dragging a bleeding patient will quickly drain their blood, unless you use a roller bed.
:*If [[Guide_to_chemistry#Epinephrine|Epinephrine]] is not available, immediately perform [[#CPR|CPR]] a few times to ensure the patient stays alive until you do the next step.  Make sure they're also not suffering from any other significant problems, like being on fire, or in a low-pressure environment.
::'''NOTE: CPR on its own will not heal someone unless they are only suffering from suffocation damage. If they are in crit because of brute/burn/toxins/cellular damage it will only keep them from dying.'''
:*Now you have several options to choose between:
:#Take the patient to a [[#Lifeform_Stasis_Units|stasis bed]]. Drag the patient until on top of it, then click-drag the patient to the bed to buckle. Give the patient [[Guide_to_chemistry|medicine]] and then click the stasis bed to unbuckle.
:#Strap the patient to a [[#Lifeform_Stasis_Units|stasis bed]] (like above). Bring or print the surgery tools needed to perform [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|Tend Wounds]]. Take off the patient's jumpsuit by click dragging their sprite onto yours, and then clicking the jumpsuit. Perform the [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|tend wounds surgery]] until the body is fully repaired, and then click the stasis bed to unbuckle. This can only be used to heal brute and burn damage. Hide the patient's stuff in a locker while doing surgery, to prevent theft.
:#Strip the patient's space suit off if they have one and put the patient into a [[Medical_items#Cryogenics_Chamber_.26_Freezer|cryochamber]], wait for them to heal up and eject.
:#Just use [[Medical_items#Suture|sutures]] [[File:Suture.png]], [[Medical_items#Regenerative_Mesh|regenerative mesh]] [[File:Regenerative_mesh.png]] or other appropriate medication. See [[#Treatment|next section]] for examples.
===[[File:O2med.png]] <font color="blue">Suffocation</font>===
This is the first and most important to look out for. It is not visible on the body, but people suffering from it will ''gasp for air''. If you take 50 or more suffocation damage, you faint. On the Health Analyzer, it is the leftmost, <font color="blue">blue</font> damage type.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Being in an area without enough oxygen present will suffocate you.
*Missing a significant amount of blood will deal suffocation damage over time.
*Once you are in critical condition, you slowly take suffocation damage.
*Some [[Guide_to_chemistry##Medicines|medicines]] and [[Guide_to_chemistry#Aranesp|drugs]] can deal suffocation damage.
*Some poisons, like [[Cyanide]], deal suffocation damage.
*Some [[Virus|virus]] symptoms can cause suffocation.
*Missing a pair of lungs.
*Missing a heart, or suffering a heart attack.
*If a person is in crit, you can CPR{{anchor|CPR}} them. Remove your and patient's mask and helmet, turn off {{Combat_Mode}} and {{LeftclickCmodeoff}} click on them.
*If a person is not in critical condition, and they have no bad chemicals in their bloodstream, placing them in an oxygen-filled area will suffice.
*[[Epinephrine]] stops the suffocation damage that is dealt from being in a crit state.
*[[Salbutamol]] quickly treats suffocation damage.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Convermol|Convermol]] very quickly heals suffocation damage, but deals a lot of toxin damage.
*[[Cryoxadone]] in a [[Medical_items#Cryogenics Tube & Freezer|cryotube]] heal most types of damage, including suffocation. Alternatively, a sleeping patient in the cold can also benefit from cryoxadone
*[[Orange juice]] isn't the most effective cure, but it does help a bit when no other options are available
*If a person is missing a heart, replace their heart or give them [[Guide_to_chemistry#Cordiolis_Hepatico|Cordiolis Hepatico]].
* If a person's heart is unstable, use a [[defibrillator]] and their heart should return to normal, or give them [[Guide_to_chemistry#Cordiolis_Hepatico|Cordiolis Hepatico]]. Other electric shocks might be able to restore their heartbeat.
===[[File:Brutefak.png]] <font color="red">Brute</font>===
This is a straight-forward damage category. This is the far right damage type on Health Analyzer. Brute damage is visible, and limb-specific.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Being physically hit by almost anything does brute damage.
*Some [[Guide_to_chemistry#Fluorosulfuric_Acid|chemicals]] can deal brute damage.
*[[Medical_items#Suture|Sutures]] [[File:Suture.png]] can be applied to the damaged limb. Use a medical scanner or ask the patient to examine themselves.
*[[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|Tend Wounds]] surgery will heal brute and burn damage very efficiently (but will not treat special [[Guide_to_Wounds|wounds]]).
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Probital|Probital]] pills heal brute damage over time.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Salicylic_Acid|Salicylic Acid]] heals brute damage over time, and is more effective on severe injuries.
*[[Saline-glucose solution]] heals brute slowly.
*[[Cryoxadone]] in a [[Medical_items#Cryogenics Tube & Freezer|cryotube]] or a very cold environment heal most types of damage, including brute. Alternatively, a sleeping patient in the cold can also benefit from cryoxadone
*Food can heal brute damage slowly.
*Milk, bilk, soy milk, soy latte, [[Guide_to_drinks#Coffee_Latte|cafe latte]], and cream can heal it very slowly.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Libital|Libital]] patches (brute patches) will heal brute pretty fast but don't use it too often on the same patient, due to long term side effects.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Helbital|Helbital]] should only be used in emergency situations on people with multiple damage types.
*There are some job-specific ways of healing it: Donuts heal security, bananas and banana juice heal clowns and monkeys, "nothing" in mime's bottle of nothing heals mimes.
===[[File:Bmed.png]] <font color="orange">Burns</font>===
This is a straight-forward damage category. This is the damage type second to the right on Health Analyzer. Burns are visible, and limb-specific.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Temperatures too high or too low cause burn damage. That includes coldness of space and being set on fire.
*Lasers deal burn damage.
*Some [[Guide_to_chemistry#Phlogiston|chemicals]] deal burn damage.
*Electric shocks deal burn damage.
*[[Medical_items#Regenerative_Mesh|Regenerative mesh]]  can be applied to the damaged limb. Use a medical scanner or ask the patient to examine themselves.
*[[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|Tend Wounds]] surgery will heal brute and burn damage very efficiently.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Hercuri|Hercuri]] heals burn damage over time.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Oxandrolone|Oxandrolone]] heals burn damage over time, and is more effective on severe burns.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Saline-Glucose_Solution|Saline-glucose solution]] heals burn slowly.
*[[Cryoxadone]] in a [[Medical_items#Cryogenics Tube & Freezer|cryotube]] or a very cold environment heal most types of damage, including burn. Alternatively, a sleeping patient in the cold can also benefit from cryoxadone
*[[Tomato juice]] can heal it very slowly.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Aiuri|Aiuri]] patches (burn patches) will heal burn pretty well but don't use it too often on the same patient, due to long term side effects.
*There are some job-specific ways of healing it: Donuts heal security, bananas and banana juice heal clowns and monkeys, "nothing" in mime's bottle of nothing heals mimes.
===[[File:Tmed.png]] <font color="green">Toxins</font>===
This is the second from the left on the Health Analyzer. It is not visible on the person's health doll. Thankfully it is easy to treat.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
* Breathing plasma deals toxic damage.
*Many [[Guide_to_chemistry#Toxins|chemicals]] deal toxic damage.
*Drinking a lot of alcohol can hurt your liver and deal toxic damage.
* A severely damaged or missing liver will deal toxic damage. Liver failure will also prevent the patient from processing any reagents.
*High doses of [[#Radiation|radiation]] deal toxic damage.
*Mind the difference between chemical named [[Guide_to_chemistry#Toxin|"toxin"]] and toxic damage.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Syriniver|Syriniver]] heals toxic damage and weakly purges toxic chemicals. Use in an IV drip or across multiple small (5u) injections. Causes liver damage, and is very easy to accidentally overdose someone with (especially if you attempt to inject someone in stasis).
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Multiver|Multiver]] heals toxins damage and purges other chemicals. If used in combination with other medicine reagents, it'll work faster, and it won't purge medicines! Causes lung damage.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Calomel|Calomel]] purges toxic chemicals more quickly than pentetic acid but doesn't heal toxic damage, and will '''deal''' toxic damage if the patient has 20 health or more.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Pentetic_Acid|Pentetic acid]] heals toxic damage and purges all other chemicals quickly. Also purges [[#Radiation|radiation]].
*[[Cryoxadone]] in a [[Medical_items#Cryogenics Tube & Freezer|cryotube]] or a very cold environment heal most types of damage, including toxic. Alternatively, a sleeping patient in the cold can also benefit from cryoxadone
*Lime juice, tea, iced tea can slowly heal it.
*Vomiting heals some toxic damage. You usually can't control it, however you can induce vomiting with a stomach pump.
*If patient has a failing liver, a liver transplant will stop the toxin damage caused by that liver, and will allow chemicals to work in the body.
===[[File:Blood Pack.png]] Bleeding===
Bleeding is commonly caused by [[Guide_to_Wounds#Slash_Wounds|slash or pierce wounds]].
Some items that may help stop or alleviate bleeding are:
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Suture|Suture]] [[File:Suture.png]]
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Gauze|Gauze]] [[File:Gauze.png]]
*[[Medical_items#Cautery|Cautery]] [[File:Cautery.png]]
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Sanguirite|Sanguirite]] [[File:Bottle.png]]
Read the [[Guide_to_Wounds|guide to wounds]] for full details about how to stop bleeding.
Replace lost blood with an [[Medical_items#IV drip|IV drip]] [[File:IV Drip.png]] and/or iron [[Medical_items#Pills|pills]].
'''WARNING: Incorrect blood types are toxic to the patient, and will not replenish their blood!'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; font-size: 75%;"
|+Blood compatibility table
! rowspan="2" |Recipient
! colspan="9" |Donor
| style="width:3em" |[[File:Yes.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
| style="width:3em" |[[File:No.png]]
'''Treating bloodloss:'''
#Bandage wound with a medical gauze to stop bleeding.
# Locate brute damage.
#Treat brute damages above ~30 to halt bleeding.
#Assess blood levels, if low or critical, proceed with blood transfusion.
# If a blood transfusion is unavailable, blood will be naturally produced by the body, albeit slowly.
#Iron and most foods will improve blood regeneration.
#[[Guide_to_drinks#Bloody_Mary|Bloody Mary]] will also replenish lost blood.
'''Blood transfusion:'''
# Use medical scanner on patient to find blood type.
# Obtain blood pack from [[surgery]], [[virology]], or [[cargo]].
#Make sure IV drip is in the blue "inject" mode. You toggle this by clicking the IV drip when nothing is attached to it.
#Attach blood pack to IV drip.
#Click-drag IV drip onto patient.
# Check up on patient's blood levels regularly, this process moves quickly.
# Detach patient from IV drip by click-dragging the IV drip onto the patient again, or simply clicking the IV. If you forget this the patient will take some brute damage and possibly end up with a small puncture bleed wound from the needle being ripped out.
#Detach blood pack by clicking on the IV drip.
'''Blood donation:'''
#Make sure IV drip is in the red "take" mode. You toggle this by clicking the IV drip when nothing is attached to it.
#Attach a beaker or an empty blood pack to IV drip.
#Attach to a donor by click-dragging it onto the donor.
#Blood pack will automatically fill. The alarm will sound if patient's blood levels reach critical.
#Detach IV drip by click-dragging it onto the donor again or simply clicking the IV.
#Click on IV drip to eject the beaker or blood pack. Label appropriately.
===[[File:Clone.gif]] Cellular damage===
Rare kind of damage. It shows up on scanners and is visible on examination, but exact numbers aren't shown.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Slimes. They deal cellular damage when they feed on someone.
*Decloners from [[Abductor]]s or [[Guide_to_research_and_development|R&D]].
*[[Cryoxadone]] in a [[#Cryogenics_Tube|cryotube]] is the most common way to heal cellular damage, and Cryoxadone can do the same to a lesser extent if the patient is cold and sleeping
*[[Rezadone]] instantly heals all cellular damage, even with only a 1 unit pill, and does not require a cryotube. But it's hard to get.
Keep in mind that cellular damage is not related to [[Guide_to_genetics#Mutations_and_Their_Consequences|genetic disabilities]] (which must be treated with [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mutadone|mutadone]])! They are different things.
===[[File:Liver_organ.png]] Organ damage===
Organ damage will cause side-effects as they reach thresholds, which will alert the owner when passed. If an organ shows up as "non-functional", that means its failing, and will not work, and will cause some life-threatening ailments depending on which organ it is. There is currently no way to see the exact damage of each organ, but for the most part they function on low-threshold, high-threshold, and failing, which will show up as "mildly damaged", "severely damaged", and "non-functional" lists when you scan someone with a medical scanner. Note that all the listed organs decay over time, which is the most common way they'll get damaged- but [[Surgery#Cybernetic_Organs|synthetic organs]] do not! The best way to avoid any of these side-effects is to replace your fleshy organs for [[Surgery#Cybernetic_Organs|metallic ones]], though these too come with downsides in the form of EMP vulnerability.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Flashes and sharp objects in the eyes (eyes)
*Loud noises (ears)
*Appendicitis (appendix)
*Otherwise, an organ that's not in a living body (thus is on the ground or in a dead body) will decay if not held in a freezer, fridge, morgue unit, or [[Machines#Smartfridge|organ smartfridge]]. Organs will go from perfectly healthy to broken in about 13-17 minutes, except for hearts, which will decay completely in about 6 minutes, and brains, which will decay completely in 30 minutes.
*[[Surgery#Coronary_Bypass|A coronary bypass]] can be performed on a heart that's decayed past 60 damage, and restores functionality. Good for getting a heart that's too damaged to defib to work again.
*[[Surgery#Lobectomy|A lobectomy]] will do the same as above but for the lungs, which will scarce occur due to their decay timer, but it's still an option.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Oculine|Oculine]] will rapidly fix damaged eyes, clearing any shortsightedness/blindness caused by damage.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Inacusiate|Inacusiate]] will immediately fix damaged ears to a perfect state.
*Otherwise, time and health will fix most organs (not the brain!). The healthier you are, the faster this rate goes, with a base rate of around half an hour for an organ to go from max damage to perfectly healthy. Taking vitamins increases your health, and thus increases this rate, so eat smart!
*Damaged ears will occasionally flare up with tinnitus, causing very brief deafness, with increasingly frequent bouts until the ears are non-functional, at which point you become deaf.
* Damaged eyes will grow increasingly short-sighted, until finally becoming blind when non-functional.
*Damaged lungs will make you cough, increase the rate at which you breath by 25% and will collapse if non-functional, causing rapid suffocation. Life-threatening!
*A non-functional appendix will burst, causing toxin damage until the organ is removed. Life-threatening!
*A damaged heart will increase the rate at which you breath by 25%, and will cease when non-functional, causing immediate heart attack. Life-threatening!
* A damaged stomach will be unable to hold nutriment and food down as easily, causing vomiting depending on the amount of food consumed and the damage of the stomach. A non-functional stomach makes you unable to eat or drink.
====Organ table====
Each organ has 100 max hp except the eyes which have 50, and the brain which has 200.
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Organ
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Decay time
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Damage effects
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Non-functional/broken effects
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Treatment
|6 minutes
|Expends oxygen faster by increasing breathing rate.
|Heart attack. The patient will fall [[Status_Effects#Unconscious|unconscious]] and rapidly take suffocation and brute damage until death. A broken heart stops [[#Defibrillation|defibrillation]] from working when dead.
|[[Surgery#Coronary_Bypass|Coronary bypass]] or replacing the heart with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|surgery]]. Heart attack is treatable with [[#Defibrillation|defibrillation]] unless the heart is broken.
|15 minutes
|Toxin damage and lower [[Guide_to_chemistry#Toxins|toxin]] purge threshold.
| Rapid toxin damage and chemicals are no longer processed.
|[[Guide_to_chemistry#Higadrite|Higadrite]] and/or replacing the liver with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|surgery]].
| 16.5 minutes
|Coughing and expends oxygen faster by increasing breathing rate.
|Prevents breathing, leading to rapid death from suffocation.
|[[Surgery#Lobectomy|Lobectomy]] or replacing the lungs with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|surgery]].
|15 minutes
|It bursts, causing toxin damage until the organ is removed.
|Removing the appendix with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|surgery]].
|13 minutes
|Causing vomiting depending on the amount of food consumed and the damage of the stomach.
|Can't eat or drink.
| Replacing the stomach with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|surgery]].
|15 minutes
|Worsening eyesight until fully blind.
|[[Guide_to_chemistry#Oculine|Oculine]] or [[Surgery#Eye_Surgery|eye surgery]].
|15 minutes
|Worsening occasional tinnitus, causing very brief deafness.
| Brain
|30 minutes
|See [[#Brain_damage|Brain damage]].
|See [[#Brain_damage|Brain damage]].
===[[File:Brain.png]] Brain damage===
Nasty. Randomly causes [[Guide_to_Traumas|brain traumas]] and other problems. If a brain reaches 0% health, the person dies. To be able to see exact brain health you can use an advanced health analyzer; the [[CMO]] gets one of by default.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
* Certain chemicals such as [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mercury|mercury]], [[Guide_to_chemistry#Impedrezene|impedrezene]], or [[Guide_to_chemistry#Fentanyl|fentanyl]]
*Abusing certain [[Guide_to_chemistry#Narcotics|narcotics]].
*[[Chaplain]]'s bible applied to the head.
*[[Blood Cult|Unholy Water]]
*Earthsblood from [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Plants|Ambrosia Gaia]].
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Mannitol|Mannitol]] pills or injections slowly cure brain damage, but does not cure [[Guide_to_Traumas|brain traumas]]. Can be poured directly on a brain.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Neurine|Neurine]] will treat the most '''basic''' brain traumas. These traumas have no prefix on health analyzer. When used on the dead will heal a corpse's brain slowly.
*[[Surgery#Brain_Surgery|Brain Surgery]], will also cure '''severe''' traumas. You can identify severe brain traumas by the prefix "severe" on health analyzer.
*[[Surgery#Lobotomy|Lobotomy]] will cure '''deep-rooted brain traumas''', but at the risk of causing a different '''permanent''' trauma. You can identify deep-rooted brain traumas by the prefix "deep-rooted" on health analyzer.
*'''Permanent''' brain traumas are either permanent or curable with magic, which is typically unavailable. A lobotomy can cause these traumas. You can identify permanent brain traumas by the prefix "permanent" on health analyzer. If you get one of these, then assume "this is my life now".
===[[File:DoubleESword.png]] Dismemberment===
Patients may lose their head, legs or arms. A patient missing arms can't hold items or interact with objects. Missing legs will slow down a patient, but missing both legs also prevents them from holding any items unless they're buckled to a chair, and will force them to crawl around on the floor. Missing both arms and legs renders the patient a nugget with no ability to move or interact outside of talking. Patients missing a head will die in most cases as their body lacks its brain.
Examining a patient will describe any missing limbs.
'''Ways of getting damaged:'''
*Strong physical forces, such as explosions.
* Getting hit by strong, sharp objects such as swords.
*Patients who experience severe trauma to the chest may have their organs spill out, but the torso will remain intact.
*Amputation via [[surgery]].
*[[Surgery#Prosthetic_Replacement|Prosthetic replacement]] via [[surgery]].
**Cyborg limbs may be used. Robotics can produce cyborg limbs, but there is also a crate of cheap prosthetic limbs in Medbay Storage.
**Organic limbs may be used. In most cases a detached limb can be found and reattached. However, all the limb's damage will be transferred to the patient, so be ready to treat brute and bleeding. Any organic limb will also cause toxin damage when replaced.
** Synthetic limbs from a [[Limb Grower|limb grower]] may be used. The limb grower can only produce arms and legs, unless [[Emag|emagged]].
A patient may suffer special [[Guide_to_Wounds|wounds]] to specific bodyparts. See the [[Guide_to_Wounds|guide to wounds]] to learn how to identify and treat them.
==Using Stasis Beds, Cryogenics and Sleepers==
{{anchor|Using Sleepers and Cryogenics}}
===[[File:Stasis_bed_off.png]][[Medical_items#Lifeform_Stasis_Unit|Lifeform Stasis Units]]===
These "[[Medical_items#Lifeform_Stasis_Unit|Stasis Beds]]" can be found in [[Medbay|medbay]]. They are [[Machines#Lifeform_Stasis_Unit|constructable]] [[Guide_to_construction#Machines|machines]]. You can buckle patients to them to put them into '''stasis'''. While in stasis they no longer bleed, no longer process [[Guide_to_chemistry|reagents]] or [[Infections|diseases]] (good or bad), and their organs will no longer rot. Buckle [[Health#Critical_Status|badly hurt]] or [[#Death|dead]] patients on them to be able to safely treat them without them dying. Give them any [[Guide_to_chemistry#Core_Healing_Medicines|medicine]] they need and then remove the patients from the stasis bed so the medication starts healing them. The patient is awake and fully aware while in stasis. You can turn the beds off or on with alt-click.
Important to note: if the patient is unconscious and has a large amount of oxygen damage, they're be unable to wake up on their own if they're still on the activated stasis bed. Either remove them or turn off the bed to allow them to recover. Many a patient has been left unconscious on the stasis bed for as long as twenty minutes! Don't subject people to that, it's infuriating.
===[[File:Cryo.gif]] [[Medical_items#Cryogenics Tube & Freezer|Cryogenics Tube]]===
{{anchor|Cryo Tube}}
Cryotube uses the fact that [[cryoxadone]] is effective at healing all types of damage, but only works in cold environments and if the patient is knocked out (roundstart cryo-air has some n2o!). '''Use it mainly to heal cellular damage''', or if you're out of other options/unsure what to do/have your hands full. This is slow and forces the patient to sleep, so prefer using brute/fire patches for common damage types.
Baseline cryo consumes 0.04u of beaker reagents per tick and transfers 1u to the patient in the tube. Cryogenics Tubes basically squeeze more use out of a small amount of chemicals.
[[Guide_to_advanced_construction#Cryogenics_Tube|Cryotubes can also be upgraded by science parts.]] Better matter bins allow them to work slightly faster and more efficiently; every matter bin level multiplies the transfer rate.
You can quickly operate the Cryogenics Tube without opening the menu with a few shortcuts. ALT + left click will toggle the doors, and CTRL + left click will toggle the power.
How to prepare '''(This needs to be done at the start of every round!)''':
#Wrench the oxygen/n2o canisters to connect them to the tubes and the freezer.
#Turn on the [[Atmospherics_items#Freezer|freezer]]. Set it to lowest temperature available.
#Load beakers with [[Guide_to_chemistry|chemicals]]. A common and highly effective mix for general use is [[cryoxadone]] and [[mannitol]] but experimentation reaps results!
#*All [[Guide_to_chemistry|chemicals]] will work, so you can add anything. This is the job of [[chemist]]s.
#*Be sure to only add chemicals that you can't overdose on, as patients in cryo will receive large doses of all chemicals in the beaker.
#Set the tubes to Auto instead of Manual, so they'll open after the patient is healed. Otherwise, they'll be trapped in until someone opens the tube from outside.
How to use:
#Ensure the cryo tube is open first. If not, open it.
#Pull the person on top of the tube.
#Remove all clothes that prevent freezing, such as MOD suits. Else it won't work.
#Close the cryo tube with its menu, or click on them with your mouse and drag their sprite to the tube.
# Open the tube menu and turn it on. If their health starts to improve (sometimes it takes a moment to start), they're all set. If not, make sure everything is set up properly (cryoxadone in the tubes? pressure in the canisters?).
# Turning it on will put the patient to sleep.
#If set to auto, the tube will turn off and pop open automatically.
#{{LeftclickCmodeoff}} Shake the person multiple times to get them up.
#Let them redress (or do it for them) then kick them out.
If you ever see this:<br>
Then those people are trapped in powered off cryo tubes. Run to them immediately and either turn the tubes ON or let the patients out! Make sure cryo tube doors are also set to AUTO and not MANUAL. And make sure the patients are actually healing, or else you have to try other treatments instead.
===[[File:Sleeper.gif]] [[Medical_items#Sleeper|Sleeper]]===
Sleepers were removed from most places May 2019 and replaced with [[#Lifeform_Stasis_Unit|Stasis Beds]], but may still exist in some locations. They allow you to inject various chemicals, and have unlimited stocks of them. Keep in mind that when the patient's health is very low, sleepers become unusable, with the exception of injecting [[epinephrine]].
Sleepers also show you chemicals present in person's bloodstream.
Scientists can produce upgraded parts for [[Guide_to_advanced_construction#Sleeper|sleepers]].
How to use:
# Ensure the sleeper is open. If it's not, open it.
# Pull the patient near the sleeper.
#Click and hold on the patient, move the cursor to the sleeper, then release. This puts the patient inside.
#Click on the sleeper to open the menu.
#Inject chemicals they need. (See the [[Machines#Sleeper|list of sleeper chemicals]] available).
#Open the sleeper and remove the patient.
==Rarer Cases==
These situations are not as common as normal damages, but they are still VERY LIKELY to happen. AND most of these cases are also more severe, and it is essential to be fucking fast and know this stuff! <br>'''So read up, these are the things that will separate quacks from real doctors!'''
=== Overdose===
Giving too much of some chemicals or drugs can cause an overdose. This means that you aren't doing your job correctly and you may even kill the patient if you don't stop doing it! Check the ''overdose threshold'' column in the [[Guide_to_chemistry#Medicines|guide to chemistry]] before you use a medicine.
How to treat:
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Multiver|Multiver]] purges chemicals slowly and can help with toxin damage. Only use small amounts and make sure there is at least one other medicine in the patient first.
*[[Calomel]] purges chemicals quickly and is relatively easy to make in chemistry.
*[[Pentetic acid]] clears all chemicals from the body very quickly.
*The [[Surgery#Filter_Blood|filter blood]] surgery also allows you to clear chemicals, though it has diminishing returns depending on the amount of chemicals left.
===[[File:Hudill.png]] Disease ===
Diseases are the most frustrating thing you will deal with, as it spreads, and can infect you as well. A disease can be identified easily with the Health Scanner HUD, it giving an unhappy-face-icon next to the patient. PDA or a Health Analyzer will give more detailed information about the disease and its cure.
How to Treat:
#Suit up in [[Clothes_and_internals#bodywear|anti-viral equipment]].
#Isolate the patient from public areas (if they have an infectious disease).
#Use your Health Analyzer or PDA to see the cure for the disease (see the [[Infections#Understanding_stats|list of possible cures]]). This won't work if the disease is stealthy.
#If the virus is stealthy, you must take a blood sample to a PanD.E.M.I.C 2200 to see the cure.
#Administer the chemical element needed OR if the virologist has made a vaccine, administering one unit of it will instantly cure and immunize.
# Monitor the patient's condition and do not leave them until they are clear and have become resistant to the disease.
#Check if you are infected after dealing with the patient.
*If you did not have the vaccine for the disease, see [[Infections#How_to_create_a_vaccine|How to create a vaccine]].
The person cannot see, they usually will scream about this endlessly.
How to treat:
*If vision is just blurry, give [[Guide_to_plants#Carrot|carrot]]s or a pair of [[prescription glasses]].
* If they are completely blind, [[Surgery#Eye surgery|eye surgery]].
*[[Omnizine]] has a chance of curing blindness while slowly healing eye damage.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Oculine|Oculine]] can be made by chemistry, and will heal all eye damage.
=== Deafness ===
The person cannot hear, they are usually unresponsive to verbal communication and can't even hear themselves talking.
What causes it:
*Genetic mutations can cause genetic deafness.
*Ear damage can render a person deaf temporarily, but extreme ear damage causes permanent deafness.
*Explosions cause ear damage.
*Flashbangs cause ear damage.
How to treat:
*Most ear damage will heal on its own.
*[[Guide_to_chemistry#Inacusiate|Inacusiate]] heals minor ear damage instantly.
*Put earmuffs on the patient and minor ear damage will quickly heal.
*Mutadone can reset genetic mutations including deafness.
===Genetic Disabilities===
Disabilities cannot be cured by normal medical tools. If a patient appears to be unable to move and/or they speak in very short sentences, they most likely have a genetic disability.
How to treat:
*Ask a competent [[geneticist]] to remove the bad mutation.
*A one unit [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mutadone|mutadone]] pill or injection will instantly cure all genetic abnormalities. This includes beneficial ones.
=== Radiation===
Radiation causes people to take steady toxin damage and periodically take burn damage to their chest. Radiation either comes from space radiation surges, after which crew members will "feel strange" and begin to vomit, but more likely you'll be treating engineers who got too close to the supermatter or people standing near badly contained fusion work.
An irradiated patient will:
*Have a green outline.
*Have a status effect on their screen telling them that they are irradiated.
How to treat:
*Give the patient a shower to stop them from taking more toxin and burn damage.
*Give the patient [[potassium iodide]], [[pentetic acid]], [[Guide to drinks#Vodka|vodka]], cold [[Guide to chemistry#Seiver|seiver]] or any other toxin/toxin-while-irradiated healing medicine. The irradiation will go away once all of the patient's toxin damage is healed.
*Treat the burn damage to the chest.
Note: since you will be treating mostly engineers, they might have infected burn wounds from being struck by emitters. This will cause toxin damage to never reach 0, so you'll want to deal with the infection first or ya know - just toss them in cryo.
=== Hallucinations ===
This nasty effect causes the victim to see (usually deadly) objects in his and others' hands, along with random visions of people and creatures attacking him, causing stamina damage. Extremely unpleasant. Caused by [[Changeling|changelings]], [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mindbreaker_Toxin|mindbreaker toxin]],[[supermatter]], and some bad 'shrooms.
How to treat:
*[[Synaptizine]] is good for removing hallucinations. But can cause light toxin damage.
*[[Haloperidol]] is not as good as synaptizine at removing hallucinations, but it will also quickly purge drugs that are likely causing them.
===Embedded Objects===
Remove embedded objects in a patient by using a [[File:Hemostat.png|Hemostat]] hemostat on the patient's affected limb.
==[[File:Huddead.png|32px]] Death ==
So your patient is dead. There are several [[#Typical_cases_of_death|typical cases of death]]. If your patient is a [[#Normal_dead_body|normal dead body]] though (with a head and brain), your first course of action is usually to prepare the body for [[#Defibrillation|defibrillation]]. Cloning no longer exists on /tg/station since Feb, 2020.
===Revival methods===
The [[Medical_items#Defibrillator|defibrillator]] can shock a body back to life. Defibrillation does not have a timed window (as of Jan 2020), but the heart will [[#Organ_damage|decay]] in only 4 minutes and must typically be [[Surgery#Coronary_Bypass|repaired]] for a late defibrillation to work. Other [[#Organ_table|organs]] may be damaged as well.
# Examine the body. Does it say they '''committed suicide''' or that their '''soul has departed'''? Nothing you can do for them, fast track them to the [[morgue]].
#If the body has this icon [[File:Huddefib.gif|32px]] on your [[Medical_items#Health_Scanner_HUD|health scanner hud]] it means its soul is still online and has not used the "Do Not Resuscitate" button. Inject the patient with some [[Guide_to_chemistry#Formaldehyde|formaldehyde]] ([[General_items#Epinephrine_MediPen|medipens]] have some) or buckle them to a [[#Lifeform_Stasis_Units|Stasis Bed]] to stop the organ decay, and scan them with a [[Medical_items#Health_Analyzer|health analyzer]]. Do they have more than 180 brute or burn damage (tracked separately, having 179 of each is fine)? If so, you must heal the corpse with [[Guide_to_chemistry#Synthflesh|synthflesh]] or [[Surgery#Tend_Wounds|surgery]] until it has under 180 brute and burn. You can buy [[Guide_to_chemistry#Synthflesh|synthflesh]] from the [[Vending_machines#NanoMed_Plus|NanoMed Plus]] or have it made in [[Guide_to_chemistry#Synthflesh|chemistry]].
#If the [[Medical_items#Health_Analyzer|health analyzer]] says the patient's heart is non-functional, the heart must be [[Surgery#Coronary_Bypass|repaired]] or [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|replaced]].
#If the patient is wearing a space suit or [[Clothing_and_Accessories#Hardsuits|MOD suit]], take it off. To take it off, drag the sprite of the patient onto yours, and click the MOD suit (it's in backpack slot) in the menu that pops up.
#[[File:Husk.png]] If the body is a grey husk see [[#Husk|husk]].
#If the patient is missing too much blood, do a [[#Bleeding|blood transfusion]].
#If the patient has large amounts of bad reagents, do a [[Surgery#Stomach_Pump|stomach pump]].
#If the patient has [[Guide_to_Wounds|wounds]] consider treating them (before or after the defib).
#Once the patient is prepared, equip your [[Medical_items#Defibrillator|defib]]. The [[Medical_items#Defibrillator|large one]] goes on your backpack slot, and the [[Medical_items#Compact_Defibrillator|compact defib]] that the [[CMO]] gets goes on your belt slot. Then empty both of your hands, and click the new defib hud icon on your top left to take out the paddles. Activate/click the paddles with the hand you're holding them in to wield them in both hands. Stop dragging the patient (with '''H''' or '''delete''') or you will be shocked. Turn off {{Combat_Mode}}, target the chest, and then click on the patient. After a few seconds, you'll deliver an electric shock.
# If the defib pings and says the resuscitation was successful, use [[#Treatment|medicine]] on them and unbuckle them from the [[#Lifeform_Stasis_Units|Stasis Bed]] to make them start healing up. If the defib instead says they have severe tissue damage, they are either a [[#Husk|husk]], have a non-functional crucial organ or have more than 180 brute or burn damage, and need to be repaired more.
A successful defibrillation will instantly heal some basic damage and put the patient in a hardcrit state. If the revived patient had less damage than that the defib will instead deal suffocation damage to put them in crit.
====Strange Reagent====
Another option for revival is the [[Guide_to_chemistry|chemical]] [[Guide_to_chemistry#Strange_Reagent|strange reagent]], which works similarly to [[#Defibrillator|defibrillation]], except with slightly different requirements (read them [[Guide_to_chemistry#Strange_Reagent|here]]). Use the same steps to prepare the body as before [[#Defibrillator|defibrillation]], except this revival method also restores some blood levels and organ damage depending on how much of the reagent you use. Must be [[Guide_to_chemistry#Ingest|ingested]].
====Replica Pod cloning====
If you can't find the patient's brain your only choice is try to turn them into a [[Podman|podperson]]. See [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Replica_Pod_Cloning|here]] how. Note there is no way for you to see if a brainless body has a soul or not, since the examine message won't tell you. If the patient has no blood, you can give blood to the corpse, then use that for podding.
====Revival surgery====
[[Surgery#Revival|Revival surgery]] is an optional way to bring people back to life. See the [[Surgery#Revival|surgery]] page for details. This may be useful for races without hearts since it makes you defibrillate the head instead of the heart.
===Typical cases of death===
The following tables contain suggested actions for when you encounter corpses, heads or brains.
====Normal dead body====
Examine the body. <br>
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" | Body examine message
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Means
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Treatment
|They are limp and unresponsive; there are no signs of life...
|The patient has a connected soul/ghost online and is thus eligible for revival. '''Note:''' A corpse without brain/head shows this message even if there is no soul.
|See [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]].
|They are limp and unresponsive; there are no signs of life and their soul has departed...
|No soul. Can not be revived. Caused by patient ghosting (leaving body when alive), logging off or using the Do-Not-Resuscitate action. Or there never was a soul in the first place.
|Bring to morgue.
|Their soul seems to have been ripped out of their body. Revival is impossible.
|Patient [[Devil#Contracts|sold]] or lost their soul. Can not be revived.
|Bring to morgue.
|They appear to have committed suicide... there is no hope of recovery.
|Patient committed suicide, which makes revival impossible.
|Bring to morgue.
| It appears that their brain is missing...
|Brain is missing.
|See [[#Replica_Pod_cloning|Replica Pod cloning]].
|Their head is missing!
|Head is missing.
|See [[#Replica_Pod_cloning|Replica Pod cloning]].
====Head without body====
Examine the head. <br>
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" | Head examine message
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Means
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Treatment
|The brain has been removed from ''name's'' head.
|No brain. Nothing you can do.
|Bring to morgue.
|There's a miserable expression on ''name's'' face; they must have really hated life. There's no hope of recovery.
|Suicide. Nothing you can do.
|Bring to morgue.
|It's leaking some kind of... clear fluid? The brain inside must be in pretty bad shape.
| The brain inside has 0 health.
*Option 1: Attach head to a body with [[Surgery#Prosthetic_Replacement|prosthetic replacement]], fix brain with [[Surgery#Brain_Surgery|brain surgery]]. Then see [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]]. This preserves identity.
*Option 2: Cut the brain out and repair it with [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mannitol|mannitol]]. Put it in a new body with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|organ manipulation]]. Then see [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]].
|Its muscles are twitching slightly... It seems to have some life still in it.
| Head has a soul.
|Move head or brain to a new body with surgery and use a [[#Revival_methods|revival method]].
|It's completely lifeless. Perhaps there'll be a chance for them later.
|Head's soul isn't around anymore, but revival may be possible if it comes back (online).
| Leave it around or put the brain in a Man-Machine Interface [[File:MMI.png|MMI]] so it can talk if it comes back.
|It's completely lifeless.
|No soul. Permanent.
|Bring to morgue.
====[[File:Brain.png]]Brain without body====
Examine the brain. <br>
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Brain examine message
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Means
! scope="col" style="background-color:#C4DAF4;" |Treatment
|It's started turning slightly grey. They must not have been able to handle the stress of it all.
|Suicide. Nothing you can do.
|Bring to morgue.
|It seems to still have a bit of energy within it, but it's rather damaged... You may be able to restore it with some mannitol.
|Brain has 0 health.
|Repair it with [[Guide_to_chemistry#Mannitol|mannitol]]. Put it in a new body with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|organ manipulation]]. Then see [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]].
|You can feel the small spark of life still left in this one, but it's got some bruises. You may be able to restore it with some mannitol.
|Brain is damaged but not broken.
| Same as above.
| You can feel the small spark of life still left in this one.
|Brain is fine and has a soul.
|Put it in a new body with [[Surgery#Organ_Manipulation|organ manipulation]]. Then see [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]].
|This one is completely devoid of life.
|No soul. Permanent.
|Bring to morgue.
Typically a victim of heavy [[#Burns|burn damage]]. It can be unhusked with 100u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Synthflesh|synthflesh]] or 5u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Rezadone|rezadone]]. The corpse must have under 50 burn damage for it to work. Proceed to [[#Revival_methods|revival methods]] afterwards. If unhusking doesn't work then the corpse may be a [[Changeling|changeling]] victim. A Changeling victim needs a brain transplant to be revivable (needs confirmation).
====Completely messed up corpse====
A body could be missing all limbs except head, be husked, bloodless, contaminated with radiation and have 600 damage etc. In these cases the simple solution is to [[Surgery#Amputation|amputate]] the head and attach it to a fresh body with [[Surgery#Prosthetic_Replacement|prosthetic replacement]]. Then use your [[#Revival_methods|revival method]] of choice.
'''PLEASE NOTE''' In the morgue there are lights on the side of the trays. The red light means there is a dead body with no ghost occupying it. Green light means there is a body with a ghost in it, which means you should attempt to [[#Revival_methods|revive]] it. The green light is normally accompanied by a beeping sound as well, which can be turned off by alt-clicking the tray. If you aren't serious about healing someone, don't give up halfway. Get proper medical staff to help them. At least try to have a doctor save them.

02.52, 2 Mart 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli